Our Campaign "Count Me In"

When Kash Singh met with David Cameron in October 2005 in Leeds, the PM pledged his commitment to OBON by saying the words "Count me in."

The words "Count Me In" foster a culture of respect and belonging, embraces inclusivity, and essentially values all people.

"Count Me In" is a call to action to the people of our Nation. Everybody has a role to play.

"Count Me In" reaches out to people from all social and cultural spectrums to engage with us and bring about change.

You can help us move forward to achieve our vision and goal and create a sense of national pride and unity.

We pledge to support the creation of a strong, fair, harmonious and a proud patriotic British Nation where there is a spirit of pride, national solidarity and a strong sense of belonging for all.

We encourage all our people to contribute to and participate in all aspects of British life. To recognise their civic responsibilities and obligations based on a set of shared values which promote peaceful and respectful coexistence. To assert the concept of good citizenship based on our common and collective identity of being British.

We aim to instil a sense of pride in our youth, to nurture their beliefs with positive experiences so that they can aspire to realise their full potential and play an important role in the life of our Nation.

Help us to boost national morale with its celebration of a multiracial, confident and a tolerant Britain that fosters the greatest celebration of humanity that the world can emulate.

To support our Pledge please write a comment on our Facebook page or Tweet us with your support.

You can support our campaign "Count Me In" by providing us with a testament of support to influence millions of people across our country.

Help us translate this vision into reality.

One Britain One Nation - Count Me In!

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